Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Sunday

Church 9-12 ( our actual church)

Lunch 12:30 -1:30

Shopping 1:30-2:00

Nap time 2:00-5:00 I know, more than a power nap!!!

Dinner of Salmon, Mac and Cheese, Corn/peppers and garlic bread.


  1. After dinner we cleaned the house because we slept to long and were lazy yesterday. Now it is time to sit in front of the TV and fall asleep again.. Have a great week everyone!!!!

  2. I love your pictures, honey! Very cute.

    Yes, we were definitely lazy on and off this weekend. Ah well. Once nicer weather comes around, we'll be outside a lot more than we have been lately. And at least we are lazy together! :-)

  3. HAHAHA!!

    At least the two of you are in sync. :)

    Love the photo of your church!

  4. Very cute..did you do grocery shopping in 1/2 hour? If I took that long of a nap I would be up all night!! Love ya bro!

  5. Lordy, I wish I could Nap! I never got into that habit...I think I'm missing something!Hahaaa
    Happy week!

  6. Yes, the nap is critical on a Sunday afternoon. If we stop to buy after church and lunch we shorten our nap time. Supper is popcorn with two hours of Stargate viewing. That sandwich made me hungry!
